Hello, I am a photography enthusiast and hobbyist located in Norway. My name is Ragnar Holtet, and I only shoot for fun, and to document the life of me and my family. I also like to go on photo walks and to explore the woods. I also shoot with my drone, and on rare occasions I shoot with my phone.

The name Fotografi 4 fun have a simple explanation. When creating my Instagram account, I wanted the name Photography4fun, but that was not available. So I went with the combination of norwegian and english which resulted in @fotografi4fun.

I will try to post some blog posts from my shoots, and create a portfolio grouped by type of photography. I don’t expect anything from this site or many visits, but I like the thought of my “work” to be visible to the world.

So… Since you are reading this, you must have ended up here somehow, and I hope you will take a look around.